V prispevku predstavljamo socialno, čustveno in medkulturno učenje kot način zmanjševanja anksioznosti in agresivnost na ravni šol. Socialno, čustveno in medkulturno učenje namreč spodbuja razvoj pozitivnega, spodbudnega in vključujočega razrednega in šolskega vzdušja. Teoretični deli in izhodišča so prepleteni z opisom projekta ROKA v ROKI, ki ga bomo v naslednjih letih izvajali v Sloveniji in že ponuja prve rezultate v obliki nabora dobrih praks razvijanja socialnih, čustvenih in medkulturnih kompetenc na ravni Slovenije.
Social, Emotional, and Intercultural Learning at School Level as a Method of Reducing Anxiousness and Aggressiveness: Overview of Existing Programs in Slovenia and Abroad
This article presents social, emotional, and intercultural learning as a method of reducing anxiousness and aggressiveness at school level. Social, emotional, and intercultural learning stimulates the development of positive, encouraging, and inclusive atmosphere in classrooms and schools. Theoretical parts and starting-points are interlaced with the description of the HAND in HAND project which will be carried out in Slovenia in the following years and has already given first results in the form of good practices in developing social, emotional, and intercultural competencies at the Slovene level.