Spodbujanje razvoja bralne zmožnosti s formativnim spremljanjem

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Razvoj bralne zmožnosti je osnovni in jedrni namen pouka. Bralno zmožnost v najširšem pomenu razumemo kot zmožnost razumevanja, uporabe in premisleka o besedilu, zato da bi posameznik dosegel svoje osebne in tudi družbene cilje. Razvijanje bralne zmožnosti je spodbujanje aktivne in ustvarjalne komunikacije z besedilom ob upoštevanju individualnih razlik med učenci. Zato so potrebni kompetenčni razvoj bralne zmožnosti, komunikacijski model bralnega pouka in strategije za sprotno spremljanje napredka učenca. Prikazane so strategije formativnega spremljanja za spodbujanje razvoja bralne zmožnosti in dodani so konkretni primeri uporabe iz prakse. V prispevku je kot primer navedeno branje umetnostnih besedil, vsekakor pa so predstavljene strategije in elementi ter orodja prenosljivi tudi na druga področja razvoja bralne zmožnosti in tudi na druga predmetna področja.


Promoting the Development of Reading Ability through Formative Assessment

The development of reading ability is the basic and core purpose of lessons. In the broadest sense, reading ability is understood as the ability to comprehend, use and reflect on a text in order to achieve one’s personal and social goals. The development of reading ability means the promotion of active and creative communication with the text, while taking into account the individual differences among students. This requires the development of reading competence, a communication model for reading lessons, and strategies for the regular monitoring of a student’s progress. This article presents formative assessment strategies for promoting the development of reading ability and adds concrete examples of use from practice. The reading of artistic texts is given as an example, however, the presented strategies, elements and tools can be transferred to other areas of the development of reading ability and to other subjects.