Osnovna šola Nove Jarše se nahaja na stičišču urbanega in ruralnega sveta na obrobju Ljubljane. Šolo obiskuje 532 učencev, ki prihajajo iz raznolikih kulturnih in socialnih okolij. Pred sodelovanjem v projektu Podnebni cilji v vzgoji in izobraževanju smo se aktivnosti, vezanih na podnebno problematiko in trajnostni razvoj, lotevali predvsem v okviru predlaganih vsebin učnih načrtov posameznih predmetov ter v okviru dejavnosti šolskega Eko tima. Ob koncu projekta so vidne spremembe. Zasnovali smo čebeljo senzorno pot z grafitom, razstavo o opraševalcih, čebeljim bralnim kotičkom, družabnimi igrami in visokimi gredicami v obliki satja. Senzorna pot ni le fizična struktura, temveč tudi edinstveno izobraževalno orodje, ki spodbuja sodelovanje, ustvarjalnost in trajnostno naravnanost med učenci. Učenci so bili vključeni v vsak korak projekta, ki je združil šolo in lokalno skupnost v prizadevanju za trajnost ter ozaveščanje o pomenu čebel in skrbi za okolje.
Education, Environmental Awareness and Community Bonding Through Bee Sensory Trail Project of Nove Jarše Primary School
Nove Jarše Primary School is situated on the outskirts of Ljubljana, bridging the urban and rural worlds with 532 students from various ethnic and social backgrounds. Before participating in the Climate Goals in Education project, we focused on climate issues and sustainable development within the framework of the content proposed in specific subject curricula and the school Eco Team. The changes became noticeable at the end of the project. We designed a sensory bee trail with graffiti, an exhibition about pollinators, a bee reading corner, board games, and honeycomb-shaped raised beds. The sensory trail is more than just a physical structure; it is a unique educational tool that encourages collaboration, creativity, and a sustainable mindset among our students. They were involved in every step of the project, which brought the school and the local community together in an effort to promote sustainability and raise awareness about the importance of bees and environmental care.