Inkluzija – tudi v šolski knjižnici

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V prispevku je prikazan primer izvedene ure KIZ v prvem razredu v povezavi s predmetoma slovenščina in spoznavanje okolja s poudarkom na integraciji slepe učenke. Učenci so ob izvajanju ure sledili ciljem KIZ in obeh omenjenih predmetov. Pri pripovedovanju oz. branju je bila posebna pozornost namenjena vključevanju drugih čutil (tip in vonj), saj je bilo tako slepi učenki omogočeno, da predmete, omenjene v pravljici, izkusi tudi drugače. Ustvarjeno je bilo spodbudno bralno okolje, brez motečih dejavnikov, pri samem branju pa so v ospredje še toliko bolj vstopili moduliranje glasnosti, intonacija ter spreminjanje glasov književnih oseb in raznolik tempo branja, s čimer se skuša slepemu učencu nadomestiti vidne predstave. Več poudarka je bilo namenjenega pogovoru, saj je za slepe beseda kot nosilka skritih informacij in čustev, ki si jih videči prenašamo po vidni poti, še posebej pomembna.


Inclusion – Also in School Library

This paper presents an example of a Library and Information Knowledge lesson carried out in the first grade, which was integrated with the subjects of Slovenian Language and Environmental Education, and focused on the inclusion of a blind female pupil. During the implementation of the lesson, the pupils pursued the objectives of Library and Information Knowledge and of the two aforementioned subjects. During storytelling or reading, special emphasis was placed on activating other senses (touch and smell), which enabled the blind female pupil to experience the objects mentioned in the fairytale in a different way. A stimulating reading environment was created, which did not contain any disruptive factors, while the reading itself focused even more on modulating the volume, on intonation, on changing the voices of literary characters, and on a diverse tempo of reading, in order for the blind pupil to compensate for visual perceptions. Greater emphasis was placed on discussion, because for the blind the word as a bearer of hidden information and emotions, which those of us who can see perceive visually, is that much more important.