Ob vstopu v šolo imajo učenci zelo različno predznanje in še posebej predbralne navade. Kako jih razvijati in razviti do te mere, da so se učenci sposobni samostojno učiti, pa je dilema, s katero smo se leta 2011 še posebej srečevali na OŠ Hajdina. V sodelovanju z Zavodom RS za šolstvo (ZRSŠ) smo se vključili v projekt Opolnomočenje učencev z izboljšanjem bralne pismenosti in dostopa do znanja (krajše Bralna pismenost – BP), delno financiran z evropskimi sredstvi. Za koordinacijo je skrbel ZRSŠ, OE Maribor in nam bil v veliko oporo. Učitelji smo sestavili akcijski načrt in se poleg obvladovanja bralnih navad lotili vključevanja bralnih strategij v pouk. Ob tem smo pripravljali ure za medsebojne hospitacije, katerih so se udeleževali tudi svetovalci ZRSŠ in učitelji ter ravnatelji šol, sodelujočih v tem projektu.
Use of Reading Strategies in Slovenian Language Lessons in the 4th Grade, in Cooperation with a Librarian
When starting school, students have very different prior knowledge and particularly pre-reading habits. How to develop them to the point that students are able to learn independently, is a dilemma which we at Hajdina Primary School faced in 2011. In cooperation with the National Education Institute Slovenia, we became involved in the project Empowering Students through Improving Reading Literacy and Access to Knowledge (Reading Literacy – RL in short), which was partially financed by EU funds. The National Education Institute Slovenia, the Maribor unit, was in charge of coordination and provided great support. Teachers prepared an action plan and, in addition to the mastering of reading habits, we also tackled the incorporation of reading strategies into lessons. In the process, we prepared classroom observations for one another, which were also attended by the counsellors of the National Education Institute Slovenia, and the teachers and principals of the schools participating in this project.