Pouk slovenščine v tretjem triletju z uporabo elementov formativnega spremljanja

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Prispevek prikazuje, da je učiteljeva rutina pri poučevanju pogosto lahko ovira za sprejemanje česa novega, boljšega. Formativno spremljanje je zagotovo izziv, ki se ga v sodobni šoli splača lotiti, saj učencem prinaša veliko dobrega, predvsem pa jih uči soodgovornosti pri oblikovanju pouka in posledično vpliva na njihov uspeh. Predstavljena sta dva primera, kjer pouk slovenščine vodimo s pomočjo elementov FS, učenci pa do novega znanja prihajajo samostojno ob oblikovanih namenih učenja, sestavljenem načrtu dela in postavljenih kriterijih uspešnosti.


Slovenian Class in the Third Triad by Using Formative Assessment Elements (Reflection with Two Practical Examples)

The article shows that the teacher’s teaching routine is often an obstacle to accepting something new and better. Formative assessment is certainly a challenge worth facing, because it brings many benefits for students and, more importantly, teaches them that they too are responsible for the creation of the classes and consequently affects their success. Two examples are introduced where Slovenian class is managed using formative assessment elements and where the students acquire new knowledge independently based on the defined learning objectives, work plan and performance criteria.