Kako poznajo podnebne spremembe devetošolci in koliko razumejo potrebo po celostni obravnavi problematike podnebnih sprememb učitelji

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Podnebne spremembe so eden izmed ključnih problemov, s katerim se človeštvo že sooča in se bo gotovo še soočalo v prihodnosti. Zaradi posledic spreminjanja podnebja in blaženja podnebnih sprememb bodo potrebne spremembe na številnih področjih človekovega udejstvovanja (gospodarstvo, energetika, politika …). Eno izmed pomembnih področij je tudi izobraževanje. Z namenom opozoriti na pomen poučevanja podnebnih sprememb v obveznem izobraževanju smo opravili raziskavo o poznavanju problematike podnebnih sprememb pri devetošolcih in raziskavo o možnostih in razumevanju potrebe po celostni obravnavi problematike podnebnih sprememb med osnovnošolskimi učitelji geografije v Sloveniji. Z uporabo deskriptivne in kavzalno neeksperimentalne metode raziskovalnega dela smo potrdili vodilno hipotezo, da učenci pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli ne pridobijo dovolj znanja in niso dovolj dobro ozaveščeni o problematiki podnebnih sprememb ter da bi to stanje morali z dopolnitvijo učnega načrta za geografijo v osnovni šoli s celostno obravnavo problematike podnebnih sprememb izboljšati.


How Familiar Are Ninth-Graders with Climate Change and How Well Do Teachers Understand the Need for Comprehensive Discussion of the Issue of Climate Change

Climate change is one of the key problems which humanity has already begun to face and which it will most certainly continue to face in the future. Due to the consequences of the changing climate and of climate change mitigation, changes will also be needed in many areas of human activity (economy, energy industry, politics etc.). Another important area is education. With the intention of pointing out the importance of teaching about climate change in compulsory education, a research study was conducted on the familiarization with the issue of climate change among ninth-graders, and a research study on the understanding of the need for a comprehensive discussion of the issue of climate change among primary school geography teachers in Slovenia. The leading hypothesis that pupils do not gain enough knowledge in geography lessons in primary school and that they are not informed enough about the issue of climate change was confirmed using a descriptive and causal non-experimental research method; this situation should be improved by supplementing the geography curriculum for primary school with a comprehensive discussion of the issue of climate change.