Bralne strategije v didaktičnih instrumentarijih beril za tretje triletje osnovne šole

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Mladinska književnost je kot posebni del književnosti specifična in zato potrebna natančnejše obravnave in proučevanja; v naši raziskavi in pripravah na pouk književnosti je bil cilj razviti recepcijsko sposobnost učencev ob branju in interpretaciji literarnega dela pri pouku književnosti v tretjem triletju osnovne šole. Ugotovili smo, da strategije pouka književne vzgoje, ki vključuje zaznavanje, razumevanje in vrednotenje literarnega dela, v berilih za tretje triletje osnovne šole, s poudarkom na proznih besedilih ne omogočajo optimalnega razvoja estetske funkcije literarnega dela v celoti, zato smo bralne strategije izpopolnili in nadgradili. Didaktične instrumentarije ob proznih besedilih v berilih smo diferencirali glede na intelektualne sposobnosti učencev, in sicer v skladu z najnovejšimi slovenskimi in tujimi didaktičnimi spoznanji, s katerimi smo opravili natančno raziskavo, opredelitev, razširitev in nadgraditev. Ugotovili smo, da vsi elementi didaktičnega instrumentarija ob proznih delih v berilih za tretje triletje osnovne šole (tudi življenjepisi avtorjev literarnih del, razlaga neznanih besed ipd.) vplivajo na razvijanje estetske funkcije literarnega dela in literarnorecepcijske sposobnosti učencev pri komunikacijskem pouku književnosti, zato smo jih dejavno vključili v interpretacijo in analizo obravnavanih umetnostnih besedil glede na cilje učnega načrta za slovenščino.


Reading Strategies in the Didactic Instruments of Readers for the Third Triad of Primary School

Juvenile literature is a special, specific segment of literature and as such requires more thorough discussion and study; the goal of this research study and literature lesson plans was to develop the pupils’ receptive skills while reading and interpreting a literary work during literature lessons in the third triad of primary school. It has been established that the strategies of literary education used in readers for the third triad of primary school, which include perception, comprehension and assessment of a literary work and focus more on prose texts, do not enable optimal development of the aesthetic function of the literary work as a whole, which is why these strategies have been perfected and upgraded. The didactic instruments for prose texts used in the readers have been differentiated based on the intellectual abilities of the pupils, namely in accordance with the latest Slovenian and foreign findings in didactics, which were used to carry out thorough research, definition, expansion and upgrade. It has been established that all the elements of the didactic instruments for prose texts used in the readers for the third triad of primary school (including the biographies of the authors of literary works, the explanation of unknown words, etc.) influence the development of the aesthetic function of the literary work and the literary receptive skills of pupils during communicative literature lessons; for that reason, these elements were actively incorporated into the interpretation and analysis of the literary texts under discussion, with regard to the objectives of the curriculum for Slovenian Language.