Uporaba bralnih učnih strategij pri pouku naravoslovja in tehnike v 5. razredu

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Branje še vedno predstavlja najučinkovitejše sredstvo za učenje, saj otrokom in mladostnikom omogoča lažje prilagajanje številnim spremembam, ki jih prinašajo sodobni koncepti poučevanja in učenja v šolskem prostoru. Šole kot učeče se organizacije spodbujajo učenje učnih strategij in nenehen profesionalni razvoj vseh deležnikov. S tem se prenaša odgovornost za učenje z učitelja na učenca. Branje v nalogi učenja od učenca zahteva poznavanje učinkovitih bralnih učnih strategij, saj mu te omogočajo, da informacije ne le spoznava, temveč jih zna glede na namen tudi izbrati in učinkovito uporabiti. Zato je pomembna vloga učitelja, da učence spozna z različnimi učnimi strategijami, s katerimi bodo iz danih informacij v učnem gradivu izbrali in usvojili tisto znanje, ki jim bo pomagalo pri nadaljnjem učenju ter usmerjanju lastnega procesa učenja. In ravno bralne učne strategije predstavljajo pomemben del učnih strategij, ki bodo vsakega učenca pripeljale do zastavljenih izobraževalnih, funkcionalnih in vzgojnih ciljev.


Using Reading Strategies during Science and Technology Lessons in 5th Grade

Reading is still the most effective means for learning, because it enables children and adolescents to more easily adapt to the many changes brought about by contemporary concepts of teaching and learning in a school setting. As learning organisations, schools promote the learning of learning strategies and the continuous professional development of all stakeholders. By doing so, they delegate responsibility for learning from the teacher to the pupil. Reading as learning requires that pupils are familiar with effective reading strategies, since these enable them not only to learn information, but to select and efficiently use it with regard to its purpose. That is why the teacher has the important role of familiarising pupils with various learning strategies that will enable them to select and gain knowledge from the information provided in the learning material, which will aid them in their further learning and in directing their own learning process. It is these very reading strategies that present an important segment of learning strategies, which will lead each pupil to the set educational and functional objectives.