V prispevku bomo opredelili razlike med strahom in anksioznostjo ter spoznali specifične oblike anksioznosti, ki se pojavljajo v šolskem okolju: testna anksioznost, matematična anksioznost, šolska fobija in socialna anksioznost. Predstavili bomo značilnosti anksioznih posameznikov, vzroke za matematično anksioznost ter njeno povezanost s starostjo, spolom, inteligenco posameznika ter z njegovo uspešnostjo pri matematiki.
Fear of Mathematics or Mathematics Anxiety
Following a discussion of the differences between fear and anxiety, the article introduces specific forms of
anxiety that occur in the school environment, i.e., test anxiety, mathematics anxiety, school refusal, and social anxiety. It then turns to examine the characteristics of anxious individuals, suggests the causes, and looks at the correlation of mathematics anxiety with age, gender, intelligence, and mathematical performance.