Članek naslavlja nekatera vprašanja, povezana z izobraževanjem otrok, ki so se v zadnjem desetletju priselili iz LR Kitajske. Njihove izkušnje postavi v kontekst novejših znanstvenih izsledkov o otrocih v migracijah ter umesti v proces priseljevanja iz LR Kitajske v Slovenijo. Avtorica osvetljuje izzive, s katerimi se soočajo otroci iz LR Kitajske v procesu izobraževanja, kot tudi odzive šol na prisotnost teh otrok. Sklene s pozivom k integracijskim pristopom v šolah, ki bi bolj celovito naslavljali razvoj otrok migrantov, predvsem skozi razumevanje njihovih raznolikih ozadij in specifičnih znanj ter izkušenj.
Immigration from the People’s Republic of China and Migrant Children in Slovenia
The article addresses certain issues connected with the education of children who have immigrated to Slovenia from the People’s Republic of China in the last decade. It puts their experience into the context of recent scientific findings about children in migration, and incorporates them into the process of immigration from the People’s Republic of China to Slovenia. The author sheds light on the challenges faced by children from the People’s Republic of China in the education process, as well as the reaction of schools to the presence of such children. She concludes by calling for an integration approach in schools which would address the development of migrant children more comprehensively, particularly by showing an understanding of their diverse backgrounds and specific knowledge and experience.