Pouk, ki omogoča pogovor, interakcijo in izmenjavo informacij

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Sodobne oblike pouka posameznemu učencu omogočajo razredno interakcijo za aktivno izmenjavo informacij v vseh fazah pouka. Izmenjavo informacij razumemo kot sodelovanje v dobri pogovorni izmenjavi in ne zgolj sprejemanje ali predajo pravilnih odgovorov. V prispevku je predstavljen pomen pouka, ki učencu omogoča uspešno vključevanje v pogovor s sošolci, z učiteljem ter ne nazadnje tudi pogovor učenca samega s seboj. Oblike pouka, ki vključujejo soudeleženost učencev, medsebojno sodelovanje in informiranje ter so podprte s pedagoškim dialogom, učitelju s sprotnim oziroma s formativnim spremljanjem omogočijo lažji uvid v učenčevo predznanje, v njegove potrebe ter interes, uvid kako razmišlja, kako ustvarja in kaj dosega. Učencu pa se s tem omogoča razvoj veščin npr. veščine komunikacije in sodelovanja, razvoj jezikovne zmožnost in ne nazadnje spremljanje in razmišljanje o lastnem učenju in uspešnosti učenja.


Lessons that Enable Talking, Interacting and Exchanging Information

Contemporary forms of lessons enable an individual pupil to interact in class and actively exchange information at all stages of the lessons. This exchange of information is understood as participation in a good verbal exchange and not as the mere receiving or giving of correct answers. This paper presents the importance of lessons that enable a pupil to become successfully involved in a discussion with classmates, with the teacher and, last but not least, with himself or herself. Through ongoing or formative assessment, the forms of lessons that involve the participation of pupils, their mutual cooperation and informing, and are supported by a pedagogical dialogue, provide the teacher with easier insight into the pupils’ prior knowledge, their needs and interests, and an insight into how they think, create and what they have achieved. By doing so, the pupil is enabled to develop skills, e.g. communication and cooperation skills, develop language ability and, last but not least, monitor and contemplate his or her own learning and learning success.