Pri pouku si večinoma prizadevamo, da bi v čim krajšem času »obdelali« čim več snovi in naredili čim več nalog. Najhitreje gre v obliki frontalnega pouka in reševanja nalog na tablo, pri čemer pa mnogokrat pozabljamo, da s table prepisana naloga (in na hodniku prepisana domača naloga) ne pomeni tudi razumevanja pri dijakih. S frontalnim načinom tudi ne vemo, kdo dejansko razume in kje se dijakom zatakne. Oboje lahko dosežemo z elementi formativnega spremljanja, med katerim je tudi povratna informacija. Kako pa lahko podamo povratno informacijo tako, da bo individualna in koristna, hkrati pa ne bo vzela preveč časa?
Temporally Acceptable Feedback without the Use of Information and
Communication Technology
During lessons we mostly strive to »process« as much of the subject matter as possible in the shortest time possible and to do as many exercises as possible. The fastest way is in the form of frontal instruction and doing exercises on the board, but we often forget that copying the exercise from the board (and copying the homework in the hallway) does not necessarily mean that the students understand it. Using the frontal instruction method, we cannot know who has actually understood the subject matter and where the students are experiencing problems. However, both can be achieved using formative assessment elements which include feedback. How can we provide feedback that is individualized and useful, while not taking up too much of our time?