V prispevku je prikazan primer izvedenih ur KIZ v prvem razredu v povezavi s predmetom šport, deloma pa tudi z matematiko, slovenščino in likovno umetnostjo. Učenci so ob izvajanju ur sledili ciljem KIZ in vseh omenjenih predmetov. Dejavnosti so se tako iz razreda in šolske knjižnice preselile v telovadnico, se pravi v okolje, ki ga navadno z branjem ne povezujemo, in sicer z zavedanjem, da so gibalne veščine za otroka v prvem letu šolanja zelo pomembne, saj posledično vplivajo na njegove govorne in jezikovne zmožnosti. Opisan primer tako predstavlja dejavnost po branju, ki poteka v obliki gibalnega poligona in štafetnih iger, s katerimi učenci utrjujejo in poglabljajo razumevanje in doživetje književnih besedil, krepijo svoje motorične spretnosti in utrjujejo osnovne matematične pojme, na koncu pa prebrana besedila podoživljajo tudi preko likovne dejavnosti.
Reading and Sport – Library Information Knowledge (LIK) with First-graders
The article presents an example of LIK classes in the first grade in connection with the subject Sport, and partially also with Mathematics, Slovenian and Fine Arts. In cross-curricular classes, students followed the objectives of LIK as well as those of the other classes mentioned. The activities thus moved from the classroom and the school library to the gym, an environment that is usually not associated with reading, with the awareness that movement skills play a very important role in the child’s development during the first year of schooling, affecting their speech and language competences. The example described in the article focuses on the afterreading activity, implemented in the form of a movement course and relay games, which helps students assimilate and deepen their understanding and experience of literary texts, develop their motor skills and learn the basic mathematical concepts. In the end, they rediscover the texts they have read through fine arts.