Na Osnovni šoli Vransko – Tabor smo v začetku novega šolskega leta želeli učencem ponuditi malo drugačno pripravo na tekmovanje iz slovenščine za Cankarjevo tekmovanje. V šolskem letu 2020/2021 je za 4. in 5. razred izbrana knjiga Deček Brin na domačem kolišču avtorja Sebastijana Preglja. S knjigo Deček Brin na domačem kolišču smo v okviru projekta OBJEM (Ozaveščanje, Branje, Jezik, Evalvacija, Modeli) in nacionalnega meseca skupnega branja v šolski knjižnici, ki velja za sestavni del vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela na šoli, izvedli zanimivo, poučno in zabavno popoldne, saj so učenci spoznali zgodovinsko obdobje kolišč in pomembne najdbe prek knjižne vsebine in učnih listov.
Fun Way of Preparing for the Cankar Award Competition
At the start of the new school year, teachers at the Vransko – Tabor Primary School wanted to off er pupils a slightly different way of preparing for the Cankar Award Slovenian Language Competition. In the 2020/2021 school year, the book Deček Brin na domačem kolišču [Juniper, a Boy from a Pile Dwelling] by Sebastijan Pregelj was chosen for the 4th and 5th grades. With this book and within the context of the project OBJEM (Awareness Raising, Reading, Language, Evaluation, Models) and the National Month of Reading Together we carried out an interesting, educational and fun afternoon at the school library, which is considered an integral part of the educational work performed at the school. The pupils learnt about the historical period of pile dwellings and about the important finds through the book contents and worksheets.