Prispevek predstavlja izobraževalno animirano računalniško igro Z Jenkom na pot!, ki smo jo s pomočjo projekta Erasmus+ izdelali na Osnovni šoli Davorina Jenka v Cerkljah. Pouk zgodovine je večinoma vezan na oddaljene pojave, koncepte, osebnosti … Tudi zato se pogosto soočamo s težavami pri povezovanju pojmov in kompleksnejših dogajanj, predvsem pa z dojemanjem prostorske in časovne perspektive. Menimo, da bi mladim snov lahko bolj živo, bolj razumljivo in bolj zanimivo predstavili s povezovanjem elementov v zgodbo ter jih vanjo tudi vključili s pomočjo igrifikacije. Davorin Jenko, priznani slovenski skladatelj, po katerem je poimenovana šola, je zato v našem primeru »oživel«: animirali smo ga, postavili na zemljevid in se z njim odpravili po njegovi življenjski poti, ki je hkrati naša učna snov. Kompleksno 19. stoletje tako prikažemo skozi osebno perspektivo, v okviru njegove življenjske zgodbe, pri čemer aktivno sodeluje uporabnik igre, ki Jenka spremlja od rojstva do smrti z reševanjem različnih nalog, srečuje pomembne posameznike, spoznava nove izume, kulturne stvaritve in družbenopolitične dogodke. Sodobna tehnologija nam omogoča kombinacijo slik, besedila in zvoka, animacijo in vključevanje interaktivnih nalog, kar omogoča večjo motivacijo, nazornost in pomnjenje, igralcu pa ponudi tudi neke vrste doživetje. Igra je dostopna na spletni povezavi: http://www.osdj-cerklje.si/Djenko-Igra/.
On the Road with Jenko
Historical Figures and Events can be Connected and Brought to Life in a Computer Game
The article introduces the educational animated computer game »Z Jenkom na pot!« (On the Road with Jenko) developed in the Davorin Jenko primary school in Cerklje with the help of the Erasmus+ project. History lessons are mostly tied to remote concepts, events and people, which often makes it difficult to connect these concepts with more complex developments, especially when it comes to understanding the space and time perspective. We believe that young people can be offered a more vivid, understandable and interesting presentation of history by connecting elements into a story and then expanding the story through gamification. Our primary school was named after Davorin Jenko, a renowned Slovenian composer, who came to life in our game: he was animated and placed on the map, which allowed us to follow his life story that is the subject matter of our class. Using this tool, the complex period of the 19th century can be seen through a personal perspective – through the eyes of the composer – where the user is an active participant following Jenko from his birth to his death by solving various tasks, meeting important individuals and learning about new inventions, cultural creations and social and political events. Modern technology offers features such as different combinations of pictures, texts and sounds, animation and interactive tasks, which improves motivation, concentration and memory offering the user a special kind of experience. The game can be accessed at: http://www.osdj-cerklje.si/Djenko-Igra/.