Gibanje je pomembno za celostni razvoj otroka. V šoli otroci veliko časa sedijo. Škodljivi vplivi sedenja so zmanjšani, če se uvedejo gibalne aktivnosti oziroma učenje z gibanjem. V članku so opisane gibalne dejavnosti pri matematiki, ki so izvajane v prvem razredu. V proces učenja se vključujejo pri usvajanju novega znanja, utrjevanja, preverjanja ali kot zabavna igra po končanem delu. S tem se doseže višja motivacija za učenje, aktivnejša vloga učencev v procesu učenja, boljše medsebojno sodelovanje, izkušenjsko učenje, samozaupanje, pogum. Hkrati pa se z gibanjem razvijajo tudi gibalne sposobnosti učencev, kot so ravnotežje, moč, gibljivost, odzivnost, hitrost. Zaradi aktiviranja več senzornih področij učenci lažje usvajajo teoretične pojme in znanja.
Gaining Mathematical Knowledge through Physical Activities in the 1st Grade
Physical activities have a major influence on the holistic development of a child. In school, children spend most of their time sitting. The harmful effects of sitting are diminished if physical activities, i.e. “learning while moving”, are implemented. The article describes physical activities that are included in Mathematics classes of this school year’s first graders. These exercises are used by children for many different tasks, such as assimilating, mastering and testing newly presented knowledge, or merely playing at the end of the school session. With these exercises, children acquire more active roles in the learning process: there is a visible increase in their motivation for studying, better mutual cooperation is achieved, children can learn through experiences, and there is a noticeable improvement in their self-reliance, courage, etc. At the same time, children develop functional abilities, such as balance, strength, flexibility, reaction time and quickness. The activation of multiple sensory regions allows for an easier learning of theoretical concepts and other pieces of information.