V prispevku je predstavljeno razmišljanje o pomenu sistematičnega in načrtnega delovanja za odpravo posledic zaprtja šol na razredni stopnji. Predstavljeno je širše ozadje potreb po spremembi v delovanju šole kot skupnosti, posameznega učitelja in njegovih strategij učenja in poučevanja. V prispevku je podanih nekaj predlogov za premostitvene ukrepe v razredih razredne stopnje. Vsebino spremljajo ugotovitve dveh učiteljic ob opazovanju dela učencev 1. vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja.
Gaps Will Not Disappear on Their Own Stop-Gap Measures at the Primary Level Due to “Corona Times”
The article contemplates the importance of systematic and planned action to remedy the consequences of school closures at the primary level. It presents the broader background of the needs to change the operation of the school as a community, of an individual teacher, and his/her learning and teaching strategies. The article suggests a few stop-gap measures in classes at the primary level. The content includes the findings of two teachers reached by observing the work of pupils in the 1st educational triad.