V članku je predstavljeno, kako pomembno vlogo imajo medpredmetno povezovanje, sodelovanje učiteljev, vseživljenjsko učenje, uporaba pravih učnih sredstev za poučevanje in kako vsi ti dejavniki vplivajo na znanje, ki ga pridobijo učenci. Učitelju in učencu so danes za poučevanje in učenje dostopna številna učna sredstva. Z njihovo pomočjo lahko učitelj izboljša kakovost poučevanja, učenec pa učinkovitost učenja. Eden od ključnih elementov pri učenju in poučevanju je zagotovo medpredmetno povezovanje, ki je na področju zgodovine ter domovinske in državljanske kulture ter etike (dalje DKE), ključnega pomena. Ne samo da je medpredmetno povezovanje določeno z učnim načrtom, ampak je predvsem pomembno, da se njegove vrednosti in pomena zavedajo tako učitelji kot tudi učenci. Zgodovinske vsebine pri predmetu DKE so številne, učitelji in učenci pa jih lahko najdejo izražene v besedilih, s katerimi delajo, v slikovnem gradivu, zemljevidih, časovnih trakovih in številnih drugih elementih. S tem namenom so predstavljeni glavni poudarki povezovanja teh dveh družboslovnih predmetov. Članek vključuje dve učni pripravi pri predmetu DKE, ki kažeta na pomembno vlogo zgodovine pri poučevanju DKE.
History’s Role in Teaching Patriotic and Civic Culture and Ethics
The article presents the vital role of cross-curricular integration, of collaboration among teachers, of lifelong learning, of using the right teaching aids, and how all these factors influence the knowledge acquired by students. Nowadays, teachers and students have access to many teaching aids. With their help, the teacher can improve the quality of teaching and the student can improve the effectiveness of learning. Cross-curricular integration is undoubtedly a key element in learning and teaching. It is of key importance in the field of history, and of patriotic and civic culture and ethics (herein-after: PCCE). Not only is cross-curricular integration laid down in the curriculum, it is also vital that both teachers and students are aware of its value and importance. The subject PCCE contains many historical contents. Teachers and students can find them in the texts they are working with, in the visuals, on maps and timelines, and in many other elements. In light of this, the article presents the main highlights of the integration of these two social science subjects. The article contains two lesson plans for the subject PCCE, which demonstrate the important role of history in teaching PCCE.