Vloga staršev v procesu opismenjevanja otroka

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V prispevku je predstavljena pomembnost vloge staršev pri branju pred vstopom otroka v šolo, pri otrokovem učenju branja kot tudi v naslednjih letih, ko se pojavijo tako imenovana nevarna obdobja za upad zanimanja otroka za branje. Navajamo številne pozitivne posledice, ki jih ima skupno branje staršev z otroki, kriterije za izbor ustreznega gradiva in vrste le-tega. Spoznamo alternativne pristope k urjenju branja v primerih, ko otroku motivacija upade in se znajdeta v stiski tako otrok kot starš.


Parents’ Role in Child’s Literacy Development

The article discusses the significance of the role that parents play in their child’s learning how to read by reading to them during the preschool period, by supporting them while they learn how to read, and by supporting them afterwards, in the so-called dangerous periods, during which the child’s interest in reading may diminish. The article sets out several positive effects of parent-child reading, the criteria for the selection of appropriate reading material, and the types of such material. It presents alternative approaches to literacy development in case the child’s motivation diminishes and both the child and the parent find themselves in distress.