Vključujoča šola – nekateri poudarki z vidika geografije

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Vključujoča ali inkluzivna šola se kot ideja vključevanja čim več učencev v enotno šolo oziroma izobraževalni sistem intenzivno pojavlja v svetu približno od devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Pri tem je treba vključevanje razumeti kot vključevanje vseh učencev z vso njihovo raznolikostjo glede sposobnosti in potreb, pa tudi kot ustvarjanje priložnosti za učence, učitelje in starše v sistemu izobraževanja. Vključujoča šola daje velik pomen takšnemu učnemu okolju, ki daje spodbude vsem v učni proces vključenim deležnikom in v katerem se upoštevajo potrebe vsakega posameznega učenca. Pri tem lahko nekatere cilje uresniči šola kot celota, nekatere – in teh ciljev je verjetno največ – pa učitelji posameznih predmetov. Ugotavljamo, da v tem smislu geografija ni in ne more biti izjema, velja pa zanjo nekaj posebnosti. Učitelji bi morali te posebnosti kar najbolje izkoristiti, tako da bi bila ideja vključevanja pri pouku ne samo formalna zahteva, ampak dodana vrednost.


Inclusive School – Some Details from the Perspective of Geography

An inclusive school as the idea of including as many pupils as possible into a single school or education system has been strongly present throughout the world since the 1990s. Inclusion should be construed as the inclusion of all pupils, taking into account all of their diversity regarding their abilities and needs, and as the creation of opportunities for pupils, teachers and parents within the education system. An inclusive school places great importance on a learning environment which encourages all of the stakeholders involved in the learning process and which considers the needs of each pupil. In the process, some goals can be realised by the school as a whole, and some – and such goals are probably more numerous – by the teachers of individual subjects. In this sense, Geography is not and cannot be an exception, however, it has been determined that certain peculiarities exist. Teachers should take the utmost advantage of these peculiarities, so that the idea of inclusion in lessons would no longer be a formal requirement but an added value.