Nacionalni projekt OBJEM, ki ga je vodil Zavod RS za šolstvo, je v zadnjih petih letih prispeval pomembne korake k dvigu bralne pismenosti pri učencih in dijakih kot tudi k umeščenosti same šolske knjižnice v delo šole. Tako je v okviru projekta nastalo mnogo zanimivih didaktičnih pristopov, ki jih učitelji in tudi knjižničarji že pridno uporabljamo. Tudi na Osnovni šoli Vransko – Tabor smo v okviru projekta OBJEM izvedli kar lepo število učnih ur, ki so tako ali drugače povezane s cilji samega projekta. V spodaj predstavljeni učni uri smo z učenci 4. razreda govorili o razlikah med leposlovnim in poučnim gradivom o živalih. Učenci so skozi knjižno gradivo, ki ga hranimo v šolski knjižnici in v katerem kot glavne osebe nastopajo živali, spoznavali razlike med leposlovnim in poučnim gradivom.
A Lesson with Fictional and Educational Materials on Animals
Over the last five years, the national project “(ARLEM) HUG”, managed by the National Education Institute of Slovenia, has made great strides in improving reading literacy among primary and secondary school students, and in integrating the school library into the work of the school. Thus, many interesting didactic approaches have been created under the project, which teachers and librarians are already using diligently. We at Vransko-Tabor Primary School have carried out quite a few lessons as part of the “(ARLEM) HUG” project, which are related to the project’s objectives in one way or another. During the lesson presented in the article, we talked about the differences between fictional and educational materials on animals with fourth graders. Through the books kept in the school library that feature animals as protagonists, the pupils learnt the differences between fictional and educational materials.