Učeča se skupnost: razumevanje koncepta in njegovih pasti

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Koncept učeče se skupnosti postaja predmet implementacije v šolskem prostoru, kar je glede na družbeno vlogo vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov nujno. Vendar je treba biti pri tem previden, saj se moramo zavedati ključnih pasti, ki se pri tem pojavljajo. Da bi lahko poglobljeno razumeli tako koncept kot pasti učeče se skupnosti, se je treba uvodoma ozreti k učeči se organizaciji kot predhodnici učeče se skupnosti. Analiza učeče se organizacije nas pripelje do spoznanja o pomenu managerskega vidika razvijanja znanja. Tako je vzpostavitev učeče se organizacije v domeni vodstev. Ta morajo poskrbeti, da postane učeča se organizacija pomemben del vizije, motivirati zaposlene za njeno udejanjanje in vzpostaviti spodbudno okolje za timsko delo. Glede na dejstvo, da v šolski praksi koncept učeče se organizacije zamenjujejo s konceptom učeče se skupnosti, pa je zgolj naslavljanje vodstva organizacij očitno premalo. Koncept učeče se skupnosti namreč nagovarja vse zaposlene v organizaciji.


A Learning Community: Understanding the Concept and its Traps

Within the school context, the concept of a learning community is becoming a subject of implementation, a development which, in view of the social role of educational institutions, has become imperative. However, care is required in terms of the awareness of key emerging traps. In order to understand in depth both the concept as well as the traps of a learning community, a learning organisation as the predecessor of the learning community must first be considered. The analysis of the learning organisation leads us to the recognition of the importance of the managerial aspect of knowledge development. This is why the establishment of a learning organisation falls within the domain of leaderships. The leadership should see to it that a learning organisation becomes an important part of the common vision, it should motivate the employees for its implementation and create a stimulating teamwork environment. Given the fact that, in practice, schools tend to replace the concept of a learning organisation with that of a learning community, it is obviously not enough to simply consider the leaderships of these organisations. The concept of a learning community pointedly addresses all employees in an organisation.