Triglavski narodni park – medpredmetna povezava biologije in geografije z elementi formativnega spremljanja

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Učna tema Triglavski narodni park je obravnavana tako, da so vključeni vsebine in cilji učnega načrta geografije in biologije. Predstavljena je izvedba dveh učnih ur v 9. razredu. Vključeni so elementi formativnega spremljanja pouka, poudarek je na samostojnem delu učencev. Učencem sta bili uri všeč in bi si pri pouku želeli več takih povezav in aktivnosti. Učiteljici pa ugotavljava, da je taka izvedba omogočala bolj celosten pristop k obravnavani temi in da sva bili s tem tudi vzor učencem za timsko delo.


Triglav National Park – Crosscurricular Connection between Biology and Geography with Formative Assessement Elements

The learning content of Triglav National Park is approached in a way that it includes the contents and objectives of both geography and biology. The article presents the implementation of two ninth-grade classes with formative assessement elements and an emphasis on students’ independent work. The students responded well to the classes and expressed the desire to have more of this type of connections and activities in class. Both teachers find that this way of teaching provided a more integrated approach to the content and that we as teachers also served as an example of team work for the students.