Šola, prilagojena šestletnikom, ali šestletniki, prilagojeni šoli?

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V prispevku so predstavljeni značilnosti šestletnika, njegova pričakovana predznanja ter izhodišča za izvajanje vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa v prvem razredu, ki so bila postavljena ob uvedbi devetletne osnovne šole. Povečan delež staršev, ki zaprosijo odlog šolanja, je spodbudil k ponovni osvetlitvi temeljnih izhodišč in načel poučevanja v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju in iskanje povezav s predšolskim obdobjem. Šolskemu timu, ki skrbi za izvajanje, evalviranje in spremljanje učnega procesa v prvem razredu, je ponujen opomnik za spremljanje ustreznosti socialnega, didaktičnega in fizičnega okolja.


School Adapted to Six-Year-Olds or Six-Year-Olds Adapted to School?

The paper presents the characteristics of six-year-olds, the prior knowledge they are expected to possess, and the starting points for implementing the education process in the 1st grade, which were laid down when the nine-year primary school was introduced. The increased share of parents who request deferred entry has brought about the need to re-examine the basic starting points and principles of teaching in the 1st educational triad and to look for connections with the preschool period. The school team that is in charge of implementing, evaluating and monitoring the teaching process in the 1st grade is reminded to monitor the suitability of the social, didactic and physical environment.