Med različnimi zgodovinskimi viri je uporabnost slikovnega gradiva še posebej široka. Slikovno gradivo lahko koristimo v vseh etapah učne ure in pri vseh vrstah ure. Zaradi tega mora biti študij slik integriran del vsak učne ure, pri čemer naj nas vodi pot od motiva, preko analize do jasne predstave, vizualnega pomnenja, zgodovinskega razumevanja snovi in na koncu do logičnega zaključka. Pomen slikovnega gradiva se kaže še posebej takrat, ko njihovo sporočilnost potrjujejo tudi pisani viri. Med primeri slikovnega zgodovinskega vira za pouk zgodovine so še posebej pomembna dela slikarstva, kiparstva in arhitekture, ki nam veliko povedo o preteklosti, o takratnem načinu življenja in mišljenja.
Works of Painting, Scupture and Architecture as Sources for History Lessons
Psychological, pedagogical, and didactic motives compel a teacher to try to familiarise children with historical subject matter first-hand. One of the most successful methods is working with historical sources, since they provide a genuine foundation for truly understanding historical facts and phenomena. Historical sources not only broaden the historical synthesis given in textbooks, but deepen it as well, making the material more understandable to students and history lessons more true to life. Among the different kinds of historical sources, pictorial material is the most usable. It can be used during any part and any kind of lessons. For this reason, the study of images should be an integral part of every lesson, taking us from the motif to an analysis, a clear notion, visual retention, historical understanding of the subject matter, and, lastly, to a logical conclusion. The importance of pictorial material is especially evident when its message is corroborated by written sources. Particularly important examples of pictorial historical sources for history lessons are works of painting, sculpture, and architecture, which tell us a great deal about the past – about the life and mentality of the time.