Razvoj branja od vrtca do drugega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja

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Branje je proces, ki se po mnenju strokovnjakov začenja že pred rojstvom otroka. Je veščina, ki jo ljudje uporabljamo vsak dan vse svoje življenje, in je bistvenega pomena za ustrezno socializacijo ter ga razvoj ne more nadomestiti. Pomembno vlogo pri razvoju branja in odnosu do njega imajo najprej starši, ob vstopu v vrtec vzgojiteljice in kasneje učiteljice. Prvi pogoj za dobro usvojeno tehniko branja so dobro razvito slušno in vidno zaznavanje, ustrezne tehnike učenja branja ter vztrajnost in redno branje. Učenci se branja hitreje in laže naučijo, če poteka po več senzornih poteh. Ob tem pa so izjemno pomembne tudi dejavnosti, ki jim branje približajo in jih v vrtcih in šolah vse bolj vključujejo v svoje delo. Kljub vsemu ima določen odstotek učencev težave na področju branja, ki se jih v procesu izobraževanja učijo premagovati z razvijanjem različnih strategij ob pomoči strokovnih delavcev različnih profilov.


Reading Development from Kindergarten to the Second Educational Triad

Reading is a process that experts claim starts even before a child is born. It is a skill that people use every day throughout their lives, it is essential for proper socialisation and cannot be compensated by development. In the beginning, parents play an important role in the development of reading and of the child’s attitude towards it; as the child enters kindergarten, that role is taken on by preschool teachers, and later by school teachers. A prerequisite for mastering the reading technique is a well-developed auditory and visual perception, appropriate techniques for learning to read, persistence, and reading on a regular basis. Pupils learn to read the fastest and easiest if it takes place through several sensory pathways. Also extremely important in this process are activities that familiarise pupils with reading, which kindergartens and schools are increasingly employing. Regardless, a certain percentage of pupils is experiencing reading difficulties, which they learn to overcome in the course of the educational process by developing a variety of strategies with the help of a range of professional staff.