Predstavljen je primer načrtovanja in izvedbe učnega sklopa pri pouku slovenščine v drugem razredu. Izvedbo smo načrtovale tri učiteljice iz treh različnih šol, kar je delo olajšalo, hkrati pa nudilo različne poglede na izbiro/potek aktivnosti in metod ter oblik dela. Ob pripravi učnega sklopa smo se osredotočile na načela formativnega spremljanja napredka pri učencih. Da bi bili v proces aktivno vključeni vsi učenci, smo v vseh korakih učnega procesa načrtovale možnost izbire dejavnosti, torej poti, po kateri bodo prišli do cilja – zapis pripovedi. Natančno smo oblikovali namene učenja in kriterije uspešnosti. Izkazalo se je, da imajo učenci največ težav zaradi skromnega besedišča, zato je bilo veliko ur namenjenih bogatenju besednega zaklada. Postopoma so učenci zbirali dokaze o svojem napredku. Dokazi niso bili samo zapisi pripovedi, pač pa tudi različni delovni listi in uspešno sestavljene/opravljene besedne igre. Za učitelja je pogosto največji izziv, kje najti ure za realizacijo vseh načrtovanih aktivnosti. Rešitev smo iskale v medpredmetnem povezovanju.
Writing a Story with Unarranged Pictures in Second Grade
The article presents an example of planning and executing the learning material in second grade Slovenian class. Three teachers from three different schools planned the execution, which made the work easier while also providing different perspectives of the choices/execution of the activities, methods and forms of work. In preparing the learning material, we focused on the formative monitoring principles for student progress. To actively include all students in the process, we envisioned the possibility of choosing the activities in all steps of the learning process, i.e. the path to reach their goal – writing a story. We formulated with precision the learning objectives and success criteria. We found that students have most difficulty because their vocabulary is limited, therefore many classes were planned around broadening their vocabulary. Gradually, students began to see evidence of their progress, not only in the form of stories but also various worksheets and successfully completed wordplays. Often, one of the teachers’ biggest challenges is to find enough hours to implement all the planned activities. We found the solution in cross-curricular connections.