Pravni vidik sodelovanja med šolo (učitelji) in starši v osnovni šoli

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V številnih raziskavah so ugotovili pozitivne učinke sodelovanja med šolo in starši, vendar to ne predstavlja edinega razloga za sodelovanje med njimi. V prispevku ugotavljamo, da imajo starši v skladu z Ustavo Republike Slovenije, mednarodnimi pogodbami, ki jih je RS ratificirala, ter v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo pravico in dolžnost odločati o izobraževanju svojih otrok. Glavni namen sodelovanja med šolo in starši je največja otrokova korist, v članku pa je podan strokovni pregled področij in aktov, ki urejajo sodelovanje šole in staršev, ter dileme, ki se pri tem pojavljajo. Ugotavljamo, da predstavlja mediacija priložnost, ki lahko prispeva k reševanju sporov med šolo in starši.


Legal Aspect of Cooperation Between School/Teachers and Parents in Primary School Setting

Numerous studies have found positive effects of school-home collaboration, but this is not the only reason for that collaboration. Namely, in the article we found out that, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, international treaties ratified and published by the Republic of Slovenia, as in accordance with applicable legislation in the Republic of Slovenia parents have the right and duty to decide on the education of their children. The main purpose of cooperation between school and home is the best interests of the child. The article provides an expert overview of legal acts that regulate the cooperation between school and parents and the dilemmas that arise in this field. Mediation can be a proper way to reslove disputes between school and parents.