Učenci z učnimi težavami so tisti učenci, ki pri učnem procesu potrebujejo več pozornosti. Mnogi izmed njih imajo bolj ali manj izrazite specifične učne težave, tako da potrebujejo posebno obravnavo. Pri načrtovanju pouka na daljavo smo o izvedbi pridobili mnenje staršev in učencev ter se na predloge poskušali odzvati. Po vrnitvi v šolo pa smo pridobili tudi mnenje učencev z DSP, da bi videli, kje moramo biti v prihodnje pri načrtovanju še bolj pozorni.
Distance Education: Insight into Perceptions of Students with Additional Professional Assistance
Pupils with learning difficulties need closer attention in the learning process. Many have fairly pronounced specific learning diffi culties necessitating special treatment. When planning distance education, we sought the views of parents and students on its implementation and tried to respond to their suggestions. We also solicited feedback from students with additional professional assistance when they returned to school to see which aspects needed extra vigilance in future planning.