Podjetnostna kompetenca pri izvedbi interdisciplinarnega sklopa »Zakaj jaz?«

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V pričujočem članku vam bomo podrobneje predstavili delo v ITS-u »Zakaj jaz?«, ki je bil na temelju ideje dijakov osnovan, realiziran in dokončan v šolskem letu 2018/2019. Popeljali vas bomo skozi vse faze izvedbe interdisciplinarnega sklopa v gimnazijskem programu z udejanjenjem kompetence podjetnosti. V gimnaziji je to nov predmet, kjer se prepletajo znanja več predmetnih področij, s katerimi dijake pripravljamo na življenje – noben problem ni enopredmeten. Ker se v gimnazijskem programu v takšni razsežnosti srečujemo z uresničevanjem nadstandardnih ciljev prvič, smo vključili tudi mnenja nekaterih dijakov, analize anket in mnenja učiteljev.


Entrepreneurship Competence in Implementing the Interdisciplinary Set “Why Me?”

This article presents in greater detail the work accomplished within the interdisciplinary set “Why Me?”, realised and completed based on the students’ idea in the school year 2018/2019. It describes the journey through all implementation phases of the interdisciplinary set in a secondary school programme by actualising the entrepreneurship competence. This is a new secondary school subject which connects a number of areas to prepare students for life – every problem covers multiple subjects. As this is the first time that the realisation of higher-standard goals is introduced in this scope in a secondary school programme, the opinions of some of the students and teachers, along with survey analyses, are also included.