V članku je orisana zgodovina prizadevanj za vpeljevanje podjetnosti na ravni srednjih šol. Aktivnosti v ta namen so se začele v devetdesetih letih 20. stoletja in se kasneje intenzivirale. V podporo temu je leta 2016 v okviru Evropske komisije nastal okvir podjetnostne kompetence (EntreComp), ki je tako opredelil vsebino ene izmed 8 ključnih kompetenc vseživljenjskega učenja. V drugem delu prispevka sta kratko opisana okvir podjetnostne kompetence in projekt vpeljevanja podjetnosti v gimnazije PODVIG (2018-2022). Izpostavljeni so nekatere možnosti in načini, s katerimi gimnazije razvijajo podjetnostne kompetence.
Outline of Efforts towards Introducing Entrepreneurship into Slovenian Secondary Schools
The article outlines the history of efforts towards introducing entrepreneurship at the level of secondary schools. Activities to that end were begun in the 1990s and later intensifi ed. To support this, the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) was created under the European Commission in 2016, which defi ned the contents of one of the 8 key competences of lifelong learning. The second part of the paper briefly describes the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework and the project of introducing entrepreneurship into grammar schools. It highlights certain possibilities and the methods with which grammar schools are developing entrepreneurship competences.