Olimpijske igre – ideja za športni dan

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Na Osnovni šoli Košana smo se odločili na malo drugačen način popestriti dan učencem razredne stopnje – organizirali smo športni dan na temo olimpijskih iger. Priprave so potekale nekaj dni, saj je bila izvedba športnega dne odvisna od natančne organizacije in zanimivih rekvizitov, ki so dodatno spodbudili učence k zavzetemu sodelovanju. Učenci so se po uvodu, kjer so si ogledali kratek film o zgodovini olimpijskih iger, razporedili v 7 različnih skupin, ki so predstavljale 7 držav. Sledilo je odprtje v slogu pravih olimpijskih iger, s himno države gostiteljice (slovenska himna). Učenci so tekmovali v 5 različnih igrah: olimpijskih krogih, potresu, olimpijskem postavljanju stožcev, olimpijskem metu in iskanju skritega zaklada. Na koncu je potekala podelitev, na kateri so tri najboljše uvrščene države prejele olimpijske medalje in praktične nagrade, prisluhnili pa so tudi himni države zmagovalke. Glavno vodilo športnega dne je bilo gibanje z elementi igrivosti in poleg tega tudi medpredmetno povezovanje. Dejavnosti in vsebine so bile zasnovane interdisciplinarno, saj so bili zastopani učni cilji z različnih učnih področij.


Olympic Games – Idea for a Sports Day

At the Košana Primary School, we decided to do something different and make the day more interesting for the primary level pupils – we organised an Olympic Games-themed sports day. It took a few days to prepare, because the execution of the sports day depended on careful organisation and interesting requisites that additionally encouraged pupils to participate eagerly. After the introduction, during which the pupils watched a short film on the history of the Olympic Games, they formed 7 groups which represented 7 countries. This was followed by an opening ceremony in the style of the real Olympic Games with the national anthem of the host country (the Slovenian national anthem). The pupils competed in 5 different games: Olympic circles, earthquake, Olympic placement of cones, Olympic throw, and a treasure hunt. In the end, there was a genuine award ceremony, where the top three countries received Olympic medals and useful prizes; we also listened to the winning country’s national anthem. The main theme of the sports day was movement with elements of playfulness, and cross-curricular integration. The activities and contents were designed in an interdisciplinary way by encompassing the learning objectives of different learning areas.