Prispevek prikazuje obravnavo umetnostnega besedila v 90-minutni učni uri z uporabo aktivnih metod poučevanja, tj. sodelovalnim učenjem in elementi formativnega spremljanja. Iz prispevka je razvidno, da so učenci preverjali svoje znanje, oblikovali cilje učne ure, dokazovali svoje razumevanje obravnavane snovi, samostojno tvorili pesem, sestavljali kriterije uspešnosti in vrednotili sovrstnika. Učenci so s svojim aktivnim učenjem dosegli zastavljene cilje učne ure.
Discussing a Literary Text Using Cooperative Learning and Elements of Formative Assessment
The paper presents a discussion of an artistic text during a 90-minute lesson employing active teaching methods, i.e. cooperative learning and elements of formative assessment. The paper clearly shows that the students tested their knowledge, formed lesson objectives, demonstrated their understanding of the discussed subject matter, wrote a poem independently, compiled success criteria, and assessed their peers. Through active learning, the students achieved the set lesson objectives.