V prispevku je predstavljena ura knjižničnega informacijskega znanja na temo bralnih strategij, ki je izvedena v drugem letniku v okviru obveznih izbirnih vsebin. Izhodišče ure je izdaja Prešernove Zdravljice, ki jo je ilustriral Damijan Stepančič. Ilustrator je upodobil štirinajst znanih oseb. Dijaki morajo ilustracije oseb povezati z imeni in opisi njihovega življenja. Cilji ure so branje z razumevanjem, urjenje pozornosti in spomina v povezavi s poezijo ter spodbujanje sodelovanja. Pri uri dijaki aktivno dajejo pobude, rešujejo probleme, sprejemajo odločitve in sodelujejo v skupini. Ob koncu ure ugotavljajo, kako dobro res poznajo te osebe in za katere so slišali prvič.
Whom Are We Talking about? and Collective Memory – Use of Reading Strategies in a Library and Information Knowledge Lesson
The article presents a Library and Information Knowledge lesson on the topic of reading strategies, which is conducted in year 2 as part of the compulsory elective subjects. The lesson is based on an edition of Prešeren’s poem Zdravljica (A Toast) illustrated by Damijan Stepančič. The illustrator depicted fourteen famous figures. The secondary school students have to connect the illustrations of these figures with the names and descriptions of their lives. The aims of this lesson are reading comprehension, attention training, memory training in connection with poetry, and promoting cooperation. In the lesson, the students actively give suggestions, solve problems, make decisions and work in groups. At the end of the lesson, the students discuss how well they actually know these figures and which ones they have never heard of before.