Mnenja staršev o pouku in učnem okolju podružničnih šol

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Podružnične šole se pojavljajo v manjših krajih, obiskuje jih manj učencev kot na centralnih šolah in največkrat se na njih izvaja vzgojno-izobraževalni program samo od prvega do četrtega razreda. Tudi učni prostor se razlikuje od prostora na centralnih šolah. Zanimalo nas je, kako ocenjujejo pouk in notranje ter zunanje učno okolje podružničnih šol starši učencev šestih namensko izbranih podružničnih šol. Na vprašalnik je odgovorilo vseh 98 staršev, ki smo jim vprašalnik dali v izpolnjevanje. Rezultati so pokazali, da so starši v glavnem zadovoljni s poukom in notranjim in zunanjim okoljem podružničnih šol, saj so prevladovale ocene 4 in 5 na petstopenjski ocenjevalni lestvici. Starši so zaznali tudi prednosti podružničnih šol, predlagali pa so kombiniranje razredov, ki so si starostno bližje.


Opinions of Parents on the Lessons and Learning Environment at Branch Schools

Branch schools are found in smaller towns and are attended by a smaller number of students than the central schools; they most often implement the education programme from grades one to four. Their learning area also differs from that of the central schools. We wished to see how the parents of students attending six, purposely selected branch schools rate the lessons and the internal and external learning environment at branch schools. All of the 98 parents who had been given the questionnaire filled it out. The results show that the parents are mostly satisfied with the lessons and the internal and external learning environment at branch schools, since the predominant scores on a five-point scale were 4 and 5. The parents have also noticed the advantages of branch schools and suggested that the schools combine classes with similarly aged students.