V prispevku predstavljamo medkulturno poučevanje jezika in književnosti po metodi TILKA. Po tej metodi pouk J1 ali J2 temelji na avtentičnih umetnostnih ali neumetnostnih besedilih, ki so osnova za razvijanje sporazumevalne in bralne zmožnosti učencev ter za razpravo o družbeno pomembnih temah, povezanih tudi z različnimi kulturami. Učenci se učijo jezikovnih sredstev nenasilne komunikacije, ki skladno s konceptom trikotnika moči po transakcijski analizi omogočajo preseganje konfliktnih situacij. Vsaka učna enota vsebuje štiri korake: pristop k temi, jezikovno-stilistični del, poglabljanje teme in aplikacija teme. V vseh delih učne enote je poudarek na raziskovalnem pristopu oz. aktivnosti učencev, cilj pa je doseganje učenčeve medkulturne sporazumevalne zmožnosti.
Intercultural Language and Literature Teaching following the TILKA Model
The paper presents intercultural language and literature teaching following the TILKA Method. Under this method, L1 or L2 lessons are based on authentic artistic or non-artistic texts which are used to develop the communication and reading skills of students and to discuss socially important topics, which are also connected with different cultures. Students learn the linguistic means of non-violent communication, which, in accordance with the concept of the drama triangle under transactional analysis, enable the resolving of conflict situations. Each learning unit contains four steps: approaching the topic, the linguistic and stylistic section, deepening the knowledge of the topic, and application of the topic. All parts of the learning unit focus on the research approach or the activities of students, and their aim is to develop the students’ intercultural communication skill.