Ko energija fizike najde pot v šolsko knjižnico

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Prispevek na kratko poda nekaj teoretične podlage, potem pa prek primera dobre prakse pokaže medpredmetno povezovanje med šolsko knjižnico in predmetom fizika v devetem razredu. Z učiteljico fizike že vrsto let uspešno medpredmetno sodelujeva pri obravnavanju snovi o energiji (energetskih virih). Letošnje leto naju je postavilo pred nov izziv – izvesti podoben pouk na daljavo, vendar pri tem ohraniti koncept dela, kakršnega imamo pri pouku v šoli. Temelj blok uri je ostalo sodelovalno učenje – delo v majhnih skupinah. Vsak učenec je s tem lahko dosegel najboljši učinek pri lastnem učenju, pomagal pa je tudi drugim, da so vsi dosegli kar najboljše rezultate. V pomoč sta nam bila tudi tehnologija in splet, saj sta povečala motivacijo za delo in aktivnost učencev.


When the Energy of Physics Finds its Way into the School Library

The article provides a brief theoretical basis, followed by a good practice example of cross-curricular connections between the school library and ninth-grade Physics class. For a number of years, our Physics Teacher and I have been successfully implementing cross-curricular integration for the subject of Energy (Energy Resources). Due to the circumstances happening this year, we were faced with a new challenge – implementing a similar distance learning approach by maintaining the same concept of work used in regular classes. Two school classes back-to-back were therefore centred on collaborative learning – working in small groups – which allowed each student to achieve the best possible results in their own learning as well as help other students do the same. Technology and the internet were also of great help in enhancing students’ motivation for work and their participation.