Kakšno podobo imajo vzgojitelji/učitelji o otroku, otrocih, ki prihajajo v šolo?

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V prispevku bomo razmišljali o pomenu predstav, ki jih imajo vzgojitelji in učitelji o otrocih, ki jih poučujejo. Izhajali bomo iz predpostavke, da je podoba o otroku družbeni konstrukt, ki glede na čas in prostor vključuje skrita pričakovanja, zahteve, izza katerih se pogosto skriva namera po nadzorovanju otrokovega razvoja z namenom zaščite in (po) moči. Z zavedanjem, da je za odnos med vzgojnim delovanjem in vzgojnim učinkom ključnega pomena, kaj si vzgojitelj misli o otrocih, kakšne cilje si postavlja glede na pričakovanja o njihovih zmožnosti in kakšni so njegovi vzgojni smotri glede na predstave o otrocih, bomo izpostavili pomen prepoznanja otroka kot zmožnega posameznika, ki se lahko občutljivo odzove, išče pomene, oblikuje svoje teorije, sodeluje z drugimi in se uči od drugih, če mu pripravimo spodbudno učno okolje, ki mu omogoča, da je slišan, da uporablja sto jezikov za opisovanje in razumevanje stvarnosti in samega sebe.


(Nursery) Teachers‘ Perception of Child(ren) Starting School: Importance of Considering Child(hood) Image

This paper considers the significance of (nursery) teachers‘ perceptions of the children they teach. It begins with the assumption that the child‘s image is a social construct that, depending on the time and place, includes hidden expectations and demands, often as a means of controlling children‘s development in order to protect, help, and empower them. The author highlights the importance of recognising children as capable individuals who can respond sensitively, search for meanings, formulate their theories, collaborate with others and learn from others. To her best understanding, educators‘ perception of children, the goals they set for themselves about the expectations of pupils‘ capabilities, and educational objectives concerning children‘s perceptions are critical for the relationship between the educational action and its educational impact. That said, it is essential to create a stimulating learning environment in which children can be heard and can use a wide variety of languages to describe and understand reality as well as themselves.