V šolskem letu 2018/2019 smo na šoli zaradi večletnega kontinuiranega upadanja branja zlasti med četrtošolci in petošolci z razredničarkami 4. in 5. razreda poskusno vpeljali bralni projekt, ki je na presenečenje vseh nas pokazal presenetljive rezultate. Če smo še pred tem trdili, da je najbolj ključnega pomena za branje primarno okolje družine ter skrb staršev za to, se zdi, da je pristop, ki smo ga vpeljali, to našo trditev do določene mere demantiral. V članku so opisana vsebinska izhodišča, na osnovi katerih je bil izpeljan štirimesečni projekt, ter njegovi rezultati. Z vidika stroke se opisani projekt navezuje na temeljne cilje knjižnično informacijskih znanj, in sicer gre za to, kot je navedeno v okviru splošnih ciljev kurikula (Sušec, 2005, str. 6), da se »učenci (…) navajajo na knjižnično okolje in vzdušje knjižničnega prostora ter zavzemajo pozitiven odnos do knjižnice in njenega gradiva s posebnim poudarkom na vzgoji za knjigo, motivaciji za branje in estetskem doživljanju«, poleg tega pa ob tem »učenci razvijajo različne spretnosti in sposobnosti, npr. komunikacijske, informacijske, raziskovalne«.
Internal School Project More Reading for More Knowledge
In the school year 2018/2019, a trial reading project was implemented at the school with fourth and fifth- grade teachers due to a continuing decrease in reading over several years, mainly among fourthand fifth-graders, which showed surprisingly good results. Even though, until very recently, we were still convinced that the primary family environment and the parents’ role are key in promoting reading, it would seem that the approach we decided to take proves otherwise, at least to a certain extent. The article describes the premises based on which the four-month project was carried out, along with its results. From the professional perspective, the project described relates to the main objectives of the library information knowledge – as stated under the general objectives of the curriculum (Sušec, 2005, p. 6), “students (…) become familiar with the library environment and climate, adopting a positive attitude towards the library and its material, with a special emphasis on education for reading, motivation to read and aesthetic experience“, and in addition, “students develop different skills and abilities, such as communication, information, research.”