V prispevku orišem teoretična izhodišča formativnega spremljanja. Predstavim, kako sem posamezne elemente vključila v učne ure in kako je to vplivalo na način dela in vključevanje učencev. Šolska knjižnica je predstavljena kot nosilka svojega poslanstva in podpornica kvalitetnega učno-vzgojnega procesa. Opisan je primer učne ure KIZ v 4. razredu s podrobno analizo elementov formativnega spremljanja. Dodajam svoje razmišljanje o pomenu drugačnega, netradicionalnega učenja in o vlogi učitelja kot usmerjevalca procesa ter o spremembah pojmovanja učenja in znanja.
»Formative Assessment? But We’re Already Doing That!«
This paper outlines the theoretical starting points of formative assessment. It presents how individual elements were incorporated into lessons, and how that affected the work method and the involvement of students. The school library is presented as the agent of its mission and as a supporter of a quality educational process. It describes an example of a library and information knowledge lesson in the 4th grade, with a detailed analysis of the elements of formative assessment. The author adds her thoughts on the importance of different, non-traditional learning, on the role of the teacher as the guide in the process, and on the changes to the concepts of learning and knowledge.