Članek obravnava vlogo in pomen uporabe nekaterih orodij formativnega spremljanja (vstopne in izhodne kartice, orodji za samovrednotenje in vrstniško vrednotenje ter orodje za analizo likovnih del) pri načrtovanju in izvedbi učnih ur pri likovni umetnosti v osnovni šoli. Uvajanje paradigme formativnega spremljanja na celovit način zahteva od učitelja likovne umetnosti premislek o časovni organizaciji vsebin. Orodja formativnega spremljanja, prilagojena posebnostim področja in preizkušena v procesu dela, nudijo učitelju boljši vpogled v znanje in napredek učencev. Ob tem pa orodja aktivneje vključujejo učence v proces izobraževanja in poskrbijo za razvoj samoregulacije učenja.
Formative Assessment and Art Classes in Primary School
The article addresses the role and importance of using certain formative assessment tools (entry and exit cards, tools for self-assessment and peer assessment, and tool for artwork analysis) in planning and implementing art classes in primary school. In order to implement formative assessment in a holistic way, the art teacher is required to consider how the content will be organized timewise. Formative assessment tools, adapted to the specifics of the area and tested in the process of work, offer the teacher a better insight into the student’s knowledge and progress, while at the same time more actively including students in the educational process and contributing to the development of self-regulation of learning.