Energija v šolski knjižnici

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Prispevek opisuje primer dobre prakse pri medpredmetnem povezovanju fizike in šolske knjižnice.
S knjižničarko na naši šoli že nekaj let uspešno medpredmetno sodelujeva pri obravnavi snovi o energiji (energijskih virih). Letošnje razmere so naju postavile pred nov izziv – kako izvesti pouk na daljavo, vendar pri tem ohraniti koncept dela, ki ga imamo pri pouku v šoli. Pouk fizike na naši šoli že vsa leta poteka enkrat na teden v blok uri. S knjižničarko sva želeli, da bi se vsak učenec učil nadvse učinkovito, hkrati pa tudi drugim pomagal do čim boljših rezultatov. Zato sva koncept izvedbe – delo po skupinah – ohranili tudi na daljavo. Tehnologija in splet sta povečala motivacijo za delo in aktivnost učencev.


Energy in the School Library

The article describes a good practice example of cross-curricular connections between Physics class and the school library. For a number of years, our school librarian and I have been successfully implementing cross-curricular integration for the subject of Energy (Energy Resources). Due to the circumstances happening this year, we were faced with a new challenge – implementing remote classes by maintaining the same concept of work we had been using before in regular classes. Each year, physics classes at our school take place once a week in the form of a double lesson. Our intention for each student was to achieve the best possible results in their own learning as well as to help other students do the
same. That is why we kept the same concept – group work – in remote learning. Using technology and the internet added to the students’ motivation for work and participation.