Empatija in integriteta: dve odliki učitelja oz. sredstvo in predmet poučevanja obenem

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V prispevku izpostavimo dve pomembni lastnosti učitelja, ki predstavljata sredstvo in predmet poučevanja in učenja v razredu: empatija in integriteta. Ker noben od konceptov v strokovni literaturi ni enoznačno opredeljen, ju najprej pojasnimo ter postavimo v kontekst delovanja učitelja. Odgovorimo na ključni vprašanji: kaj empatija oz. integriteta v vzgojno-izobraževalnem kontekstu sploh je in kako ju lahko učitelj razvija in spremlja pri sebi. V nadaljevanju pa raziščemo tudi, kako lahko učitelj – poleg modeliranja oz. delovanja kot vzgled – spodbuja razvoj empatije in integritete pri svojih učencih.


Empathy and Integrity: Two Teacher Qualities, or Means and Subject of Teaching

This paper accentuates empathy and integrity as crucial teacher qualities that act concurrently as a means and subject of classroom teaching and learning. Since neither notion is explicitly formulated in specialised literature, we initially provide defi nitions, and then place the concepts in the context of duties and responsibilities of a teacher. The key question is addressed as to what empathy and integrity are in an educational environment, and the ways in which teachers as individuals can enhance these qualities in themselves alongside self-monitoring skills. The focus then shifts to how they can – apart from leading by example or acting as role models – foster the development of empathy and integrity in their students.