V sodobnem času in pri hitrem tempu življenja smo odrasli in tudi otroci izpostavljeni množici dražljajev v okolici in v nas samih. Pomembno je, da se znamo nanje osredotočiti oziroma da smo nanje pozorni. Za učence v šoli je izredno pomembna aktivna pozornost, ki jo morajo razvijati in krepiti in je potrebna tako v šolskem prostoru pri pridobivanju in usvajanju šolskega znanja, v samem učnem procesu, kot pozneje v življenju. Aktivno sodelovanje strokovnih delavk različnih izobrazbenih profilov učinkovito vpliva na končni rezultat dela. Zorni koti učiteljice razrednega pouka, specialne pedagoginje in pedagoginje se precej razlikujejo, vendar spodbujajo konstruktivno mišljenje, iskanje različnih poti, širjenje lastnega miselnega obzorja in sprejemanje novih izzivov. Med aktivnim sodelovanjem so se porajale najrazličnejše ideje, ki smo jih postopno realizirale in preizkusile v praksi. Kot rezultat našega dela bi radi prestavili Pozorka, didaktični pripomoček za sistematično spodbujanje aktivne pozornosti.
Pozorko Didactic Tool As a Result of Team Work
Given the nature of modern times and its fast-paced life, the adults as well as children find ourselves exposed to a multitude of stimuli from our environment and within ourselves. It is paramount that we know how to focus on these stimuli, to pay attention to them. Active attention is of utmost importance for pupils in schools; it must be developed and reinforced. Furthermore, active attention is indispensable within the school sphere for knowledge procurement and acquisition, the learning process itself, as well as later in life. The active collaboration of various professionals of different educational profiles in our team work had an effective impact on the final result of our efforts. The perspectives of primary school class teacher, special education counsellor and education counsellor respectively differed from one another considerably, but encouraged constructive thinking, searching for different ways, broadening one’s own knowledge horizons and accepting new challenges. During our active collaboration, the most diverse ideas and thoughts emerged and were then gradually realised and tested in practice. As the result of our work, we want to present the Pozorko didactic tool, an instrument aimed at the systematic encouragement of active attention.