Celovit pogled na prsti kot osnovo za kmetijsko rabo tal

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V prispevku je poudarek na celovitem razumevanju prsti, ki je osnova za kmetijsko rabo tal. Skromno poznavanje izbranih lastnosti prsti je namreč povzročilo degradacijo in uničenje prsti, zato je bilo najprej prizadeto kmetijstvo. Ker se po svetu stanje prsti slabša, je v članku poudarek na kompleksnem razumevanju prsti. Poznavanje dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na prst, je bilo že od nekdaj pomembno za načrtovanje kmetijske rabe. Ker prav procesi v prsti določajo stopnjo njene rodovitnosti, je pomembno celovito poznavanje »kože« pokrajine.


A Holistic View of Soils as the Basis of their Agricultural Use

The article focuses on integrated understanding of soil as the basis for agricultural use of soil. Namely, insufficient knowledge of selected soil features caused a degradation and destruction of soil, which first aff ected agriculture. As the quality of soil is reduced globally, the article emphasises the necessity for a complex understanding of soil. The knowledge of the factors infl uencing soil has always been important in the planning of agricultural use. Given that it is the processes in the soil that determine the level of its fertility, an integrated knowledge of the skin of the land is important.