Branje – čudovito doživetje!

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Šolske knjižničarke aktiva Zgornjega Posočja se že vrsto let srečujemo v aktivu, ki smo ga ustanovile spomladi leta 2009 z namenom, da bi medsebojno sodelovale in si izmenjavale primere dobre prakse. Redno se srečujemo knjižničarke iz osnovnih šol v Bovcu, Kobaridu, Tolminu in na Mostu na Soči. V začetku vsakega šolskega leta skupno načrtujemo dejavnosti, s katerimi na šolah obeležujemo za knjižnice pomembne dogodke, kot so oktober, mednarodni mesec šolskih knjižnic in mednarodni dan knjig za otroke – 2. april. Že pred leti smo se dogovorile, da naj bo rdeča nit dogajanj medgeneracijsko branje in da bomo k organizaciji dogodkov pritegnile čim več svojih sodelavcev. Na vseh šolah starejši učenci berejo mlajšim in oboji to doživljajo kot nekaj posebnega. Vse dejavnosti organiziramo z namenom, da učencem približamo branje kot čudovito doživetje.


Reading – A Wonderful Experience!

For many years now, the school librarians of the Zgornje Posočje Working Group have been meeting in the working group that we established in the spring of 2009 in order to collaborate with one another and exchange examples of good practice. We, the librarians from the primary schools in Bovec, Kobarid, Tolmin and Most na Soči, have regular meetings. In the beginning of each school year, we plan activities together with which the schools will commemorate events that are important for libraries, such as October, the International School Library Month, and the International Children’s Book Day on 2nd April. We agreed a few years ago that the common thread of the events would be intergenerational reading and that we would convince as many of our co-workers as possible to help to organise the events. At all of the aforementioned schools the older students read to the younger ones, and for both the experience is something special. All of the activities are organised for the purpose of demonstrating to students that reading is a wonderful experience.