A Curriculum for Career Development of Educational Staff

https://doi.org/10.59132/vviz/2017/2/123-133 Abstract A curriculum is an intellectual output 2 (IO2) of the project. The curriculum consists of 5 modules that…

Educational Material with Sample Activities

https://doi.org/10.59132/vviz/2017/2/97-112 Abstract The following intelectual output (IO3) aims at enhancing the knowledge and skills for the career development of educational…

Recommendations for Policy Makers

https://doi.org/10.59132/vviz/2017/2/83-95 Abstract The following recommendations for policy makers represent the Intellectual Output (IO) 4 of the Erasmus+ project LeadCareer. They…

Intervju z Justino Erčulj

Povzetek Diplomirano slavistko in anglistko najbolj zaznamujejo dosežki v Šoli za ravnatelje, kjer je njeno vodilo prepričanje, da je strokovni…

Vodenje kariere ravnateljev

https://doi.org/10.59132/vviz/2017/3/7-35 Povzetek Pričujoči članek predstavlja temeljno teoretsko izhodišče za opolnomočenje ravnateljev za vodenje kariere v okviru storitev vseživljenjske karierne orientacije….