mag. Polona Peček
A Curriculum for Career Development of Educational Staff Abstract A curriculum is an intellectual output 2 (IO2) of the project. The curriculum consists of 5 modules that…
Educational Material with Sample Activities Abstract The following intelectual output (IO3) aims at enhancing the knowledge and skills for the career development of educational…
Recommendations for Policy Makers Abstract The following recommendations for policy makers represent the Intellectual Output (IO) 4 of the Erasmus+ project LeadCareer. They…
Intervju z Justino Erčulj
Povzetek Diplomirano slavistko in anglistko najbolj zaznamujejo dosežki v Šoli za ravnatelje, kjer je njeno vodilo prepričanje, da je strokovni…
Vodenje kariere ravnateljev Povzetek Pričujoči članek predstavlja temeljno teoretsko izhodišče za opolnomočenje ravnateljev za vodenje kariere v okviru storitev vseživljenjske karierne orientacije….