Recommendations for Policy Makers

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The following recommendations for policy makers represent the Intellectual Output (IO) 4 of the Erasmus+ project LeadCareer. They are based on three previous outputs: Comparative Study (IO1), Curriculum (IO2) and Educational Material and Sample Activities (IO3). More than a decade ago, the eu as well as other organisations came to acknowledge the importance of career guidance. Various programmes fostering this idea were established at different levels, including at the European Council and Parliament. In 2007, the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGNP) was incorporated into this effort. It aimed to assist member countries and the European Commission in the development of a Europe-wide cooperation in lifelong guidance within the education and employment sector. Career guidance is an important issue in various areas and for different professions at all career stages. It is a way of dealing with newly arising challenges in a changing world. Pressing issues, like unemployed youth, employees who want to change their profession or find new or different ways of handling different challenges in life, are being addressed. The recommendations herein address the abovementioned key issues and encourage the implementation of the I Am a Teacher – I Create My Career curriculum at the supranational as well as national, the organisational as well as individual levels. These recommendations are intended to convince policy makers on these different levels to advocate changes concerning career guidance policies and take actions for the implementation of the curriculum. The main part of the article describes the potential use of the curriculum for different key stakeholders. Furthermore, the most relevant issues related to the underlying assumptions, effects on and roles of key stakeholders, as well as the implications of issues are discussed. The recommendations follow a specific structure which divides them into four chapters: Abstract of the Curriculum, Aim of the Curriculum, Content of the Curriculum, Stakeholders and Potential Users of the Curriculum.


Priporočila za oblikovalce politik

Obravnavana priporočila za oblikovalce politik tvorijo Intelektualna spoznanja (IS) 4 projekta Lead Career v okviru programa Erasmus+. Temeljijo na treh prejšnjih sklopih spoznanj: Primerjalna študija (IS1), Kurikul (IS2) in Izobraževalno gradivo s primeri aktivnosti (IS3). Pred več kot desetletjem je EU skupaj z drugimi organizacijami prepoznala pomen karierne orientacije. Razne programe, ki to idejo razvijajo, organizirajo na različnih ravneh, tudi ravni Evropskega sveta in Evropskega parlamenta. Leta 2007 se je prizadevanjem pridružila Evropska mreža za politike v vseživljenjski karierni orientaciji (ELGPN). Njen namen je bil pomagati državam članicam in Evropski komisiji pri razvijanju vseevropskega sodelovanja pri vseživljenjski orientaciji v sektorju izobraževanja in zaposlovanja. Vprašanje karierne orientacije je pomembno na številnih področjih in za razne poklice v vseh obdobjih kariere. Gre za način spopadanja z izzivi, ki se v spreminjajočem se svetu na novo pojavljajo. Loteva se perečih vprašanj, kot so nezaposlenost mladih, zaposleni, ki želijo spremeniti poklic ali najti nove ali drugačne načine ravnanja z raznimi izzivi v življenju. Priporočila v članku načenjajo omenjena ključna vprašaja in spodbujajo izvajanje kurikula Učitelj sem – ustvarjam svojo kariero na naddržavni kot tudi državni ravni, ravni organizacije in posameznika. Namen priporočil je prepričati oblikovalce politik s teh različnih ravni k zavzemanju za spremembe v zvezi s politikami karierne orientacije in k ukrepom za izvajanje kurikula. V glavnem delu sestavka opisujemo možnosti uporabe kurikula za različne ključne deležnike. Obravnavamo tudi relevantna vprašanja, povezana z domnevami deležnikov, z vplivi na deležnike in njihovimi vlogami, pa tudi posledice vprašanj. Priporočila so organizirana v štiri poglavja: Abstrakt kurikula, Namen kurikula, Vsebina kurikula, Deležniki in Možni uporabniki kurikula.