Pričujoči članek predstavlja temeljno teoretsko izhodišče za opolnomočenje ravnateljev za vodenje kariere v okviru storitev vseživljenjske karierne orientacije. Izhajamo iz predpostavke, da lahko prav s sistematičnim spodbujanjem kariere ravnateljev največ prispevamo h konkretizaciji koncepta vseživljenjske karierne orientacije na vseh ravneh. V članku opredelimo ključne pojme, predstavimo pregled nacionalnih in mednarodnih dokumentov ter sistemske ureditve vseživljenjske karierne orientacije, pregled novejših tujih in domačih raziskav in pregled dosedanjih programov in projektov Šole za ravnatelje, ki se navezujejo na koncept vodenja kariere. Ključne ugotovitve članka so, da v Sloveniji na organizacijski ravni že obstajajo elementi in mehanizmi vodenja kariere ravnateljev, ki pa na sistemski in izvedbeni ravni niso celovito urejeni. Nekateri slovenski dokumenti in obstoječi programi Šole za ravnatelje, ki so predstavljeni v članku, predstavljajo solidno osnovo za sistematično ureditev področja vodenja kariere ravnateljev.
Managing Headteachers’ Careers
The article discusses the underlying theoretical basis for the empowerment of headteachers regarding career guidance within the framework of lifelong career orientation services. It builds on the premise that it is the systematic encouragement of headteachers’ career that can contribute most significantly to the actualisation of the concept of lifelong career guidance at all levels. The article defines key concepts, presents an overview of documents and systemic regulation in relation to lifelong career guidance, a review of the most recent foreign and domestic studies and a review of programmes and projects of the National School for Leadership in Education up until now and relating to the concept of career management. The key conclusions of the article establish that there are elements and mechanisms dealing with headteachers’ career guidance already in place in Slovenia; however, they are not fully regulated at the level of the system and implementation. Certain Slovene documents and existing programs within the National School for Leadership in Education, discussed in the article, represent a solid foundation for a systematic regulation of the field of headteachers’ career management.